Region 1 Championship in Seattle, WA
Post date: May 30, 2015 7:5:5 PM
After months of dedicated training, the Region 1 Championship was held on Memorial Day weekend, May 23rd. I am please to annouce the following results from the days competition:
White/ Orange Belt Division (8 and under Boys)
Nahom Beneyam- Participation Medal
Alexander Kerper- Participation Medal
Dylan Meddaugh- 3rd in forms/ 3rd in sparring
Sam Moreland- 1st in forms/ 3rd in sparring
White/ Orange Belt Division (8 and over Boys)
Miles Armstrong- Participation Medal
Jake Bookwalter - 3rd in forms
Vicente Lopez-Jacobs- Participation Medal
Memphis Vannatter- 3rd in forms/ 3rd in sparring
White/ Orange Belt Division (8 and over Girls)
Caitlinn McKnight- Participation Medal
Women Orange/ Green Belt
Jodi Steele- 2nd in forms/ 3rd in sparring
Brown Belt (8 and over Boys)
Liam Steele-Roy Participation Medal
Red Belt Girls
Alejandra Gil- 3rd in forms and weapons / 2nd in sparring
Also, congratulations to Inez Lindsey and Elaine Miranda-Salcedo for a great performance in tough divisions.
Let's start thinking about the next Championship in Reno, Nevada 2016!!!
-Master Taylor